This question is frequently asked on the search engines? From past few years the number bloggers have increased tremendously from few to an exploding million number. The tools for blogging have also increased. But basically what are the earning streams for any blogger on the Internet can be understood.
And using this many of them make a dazzling six figure income. There are two ways to go ahead and generate a six figure income on the Internet:
1)Placing Ads on the blog: This is the first approach for any blogger on the Internet with various resources like Google Adsense, Chitika, Pay per post, Bidvertiser and many………
2)Affiliate: Some of the programs mentioned also have a channel of creating wealth through affiliate marketing like Chitika, Payperpost, Commission Junction.
1) Chitika: These Guys are best and Chitika rocks, because here all you have to do is go to their website and then apply for the publisher program and then just wait for their approval. As soon as your application has been approved you can just go ahead and sign into the account and then start displaying ads and also you can promote their affiliate program which will make you go extra mile and make some extra bucks.
2) Google Adsense: If you really do not know about this program then you might be staying under a rock covered with forest which has no access to any communication channel. But getting over the point Google Adsense is one of the major earning resources for bloggers on the Internet. The only difficulties are their terms and policies which might make one ineligible but before applying for Google Adsense please go through their list of requirements. And when I just started blogging and immediately applied for Google I got rejected because of unacceptable site content and they asked me for some conditions like:
A) Site must have been active for at least 6 months before you apply for AdSense.
B) I did not provide accurate personal information with application that matches the information on the page.
C) The website must contain substantial content.
D) And last but not least the site must comply with Google AdSense program policies.
And after this I never turned to Google Adsense and the other things work fine for me.
3) Pay per post (PPP): This is very good program for beginners because they give you a chance to review other blogs on your site and help you get revenue and also get a chance to earn from their referral programs.
4) Bidvertiser: This very similar program to Chitika and have same opportunities as Chitika and it is very easy to apply for Bidvertiser
5) Kontera: One of the finest programs because they place ads on the website or on the Blog according to the words that appear on your Blog. They have referral programs too.
6) Speedy Ads: It has very simple process of approval and you get started instantly.
There are many other programs in the market but these are the programs that I have been using it and I found these to be very good.